Way down in the post about the string theory compilation, I talked about the band that I was in called A Good Horse. By the time that was recorded the group had been whittled down to a quintet. Originally there were at least a septet's worth of people in the group and I have dug up a live recording of that incarnation. It was recorded at eyedrum and as far as I can remember the band members were Daniel Clay//Nat Slaughter//Robbie Handley//Ben Davis//Gordon Vernick//Jamie Sheppard//Bryan Fielden========guitar//bass//bass//tenor sax//trumpet//drums//drums. Daniel wrote all of the music and did most of the arranging, but sometimes the arrangements were worked out collectively (especially at the end.) It is a mix of jazz and rock, but I can't call it jazz-rock.
This was back when Daniel, Jamie, Bryan, and Robbie all lived together in East Atlanta and I seem to remember there being some tension on this night because of that. If it comes through in the music at all, then it only helped.
These are relatively long songs so if you download them, sit down and listen. Be productive later. I guarantee you that this attitude is the reason I'm such a financial big shot today.
I did see Daniel recently when Adam O. was in town and he told me that sometimes he does think about playing that kind of music again, but that he's not sure he's ever going to play the electric guitar again. Hey Daniel: bring your acoustic, we'll play quieter.
A Good Horse this way...also check out...
Daniel's solo Myspace page...