Sunday, April 13, 2008

Witty Lay Down Mains Reference Here.

Remember when Rick Moore and Lee Corum from Lay Down Mains were fresh faced young men with a gleam in their collective eye and the world by the tail? Yeah, I don't either. But I do remember when they were just a two piece band instead of the three piece face rocker offer that they are today (since Dave Down Lains joined.) I just read a blog that Rick posted about the delay of their CD release so I figured now would be a good time to post a sampling from their two fisted days. They went to Nashville and recorded with David Axelrod who was in the great Atlanta band Mock Heroic (who has those cds by the way?.) No not the David Axelrod who is Barack Obama's close consultant...the other one. Anyway, they got into the studio, put their rock and roll pee-pees together and this demo was born. I have forgotten what they call most of their songs so some had to be made up by yours truly. Let me know the titles guys.
here 'tis.
check out their current line up >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>here

...and then there was their four piece day.