In addition to strumming the geetar my main job in life is honking on the saxophone (more on that later.) I was in a very short lived group with keith leslie (percussion) and daniel clay (guitar.) I think it lasted from 2005-2005. We played two shows: one in Baltimore to 4 people and one in atlanta. The one in atlanta was in an abandoned warehouse next to eyedrum. I had myself and Daniel convinced that we were going to contract avian flu from playing there. Daniel moved to Maine for a while and when he returned did not want to play this stuff anymore. To this day I cannot figure out why (let me know.) We recorded an album's worth of stuff with decatur engineer Ben Price...and here is the link to the mediafire file:
I was in a group with Daniel called A Good Horse (his group) and I'll post that stuff soon too if I can get the thumbs up.
yo.. ben this is roberto!
yo hit me up if you can.. did ryan ever give you that 12"?
that song we did is on it.. if not ill bring one down for you in december.. holler at me
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