It's been a month since my boredom induced blogging fury subsided. All I have left that is not in need of digital conversion (of my own stuff) is le free jazz and whilst I know it's not for everyone, I'm going to end up posting it soon anyway. In the mean time, Erik Herndon from Hell Mach 4 is the only person so far who has responded to my call for music. Come on boys and girls, people actually download this stuff...more than three people...I promise.
Anyway>>>Hell Mach4. Erik teaches guitar at the same music store that I teach out of now and it was a nice surprise to see somebody from back when walk in the door. I say that, but to be honest I never really new much about them. I played a show with them and saw them play several times, but they definitely slipped under my radar at the time (a very easy thing to do.) They also had some longevity, as I heard them practicing as recently as about 2 years ago. Oh yeah, I shared a practice space with them too. Hey Warren, I was the jerkhole who played your amp without asking...sorry. That's what I do. Be a jerkhole...I mean. What was put in my hand was a live recording from le Star Bar (feeling French today (wouldn't that be a great band name...feeling French?)) and I'm assuming it's later rather than earlier in their lifespan. Thanks for the recording Erik.
keep going this way>>>>>>>>>because the recording is here
now come on everyone else...current or old....recordings.....jheesh!!!
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